This is my humorous and straight forward take on life. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


"I love it back home. I love where I'm
from. I love everything about this life --
even the getting hurt, because there's
so much you learn. It's all part of it.
So, when you set out know
that's where the compass is pointing:
to the truth .. that you should get waist
deep and feel all of it, savor every moment,
the bitter and the sweet, cause in all of
that -- that's where your life is."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sure is a Crazy Ride

I was never any good at goodbye. Actually im quite awkward when it comes to saying that word. I hate endings, no matter how bad the experiences were. Life has a funny way about that. It seems that everything has a perfect order, like even the slightest detail is just right. Some days you think things couldn 't go more wrong and then 10 years later you realize how perfect they really turned out. So I guess goodbye is just one of those things in lifes crazy plan for us. It's something we all have no choice but to accept. In time I guess Iv'e realized why we have goodbyes, they are merely just a salutation to meet again. Nothing is ever forever, no matter how final you think it is. Your goodbyes always start a new beginning and you always take a little bit of the past with you everytime you move forward. It's a little gift that you can keep with you forever. No experience is ever bad, it's just one more piece to the jigsaw puzzle of craziness. As I'm getting older, I am realizing this more and more everyday. I am no longer saying goodbye, I am saying hello to the new adventure. And so it is.

"youth is afterall just a moment, but its the moment, the spark, that you always carry in your heart"

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Testing Yourself

Why are we all scared of things we cannot control? Fear is something that everyone feels at one point in there life. A lot of the time we are fearful of things that we can't change. I know this first hand figuring I have some of the most irrational fears out there. I dont think a giant epedermic needle is going to sneak attack me and stab me anytime soon. I am constantly worrying about things that are out of my hands. I worry that I will never fall in love or that I will never be able to have kids. Things that I ultimatley cannot control. Why waste time on the unknown? I am so frequently trying to dodge heartache and rejection like the freakin plague. Why am I wasting precious time worrying? I guess in order to find the things I desire, you have to test yourself. Without that, you will never truely discover who you are. I guess a little rejection never hurt anyone. There are chances that I am so scared to take, things that come so easily to others. In order to conquer the fear of what we do not know, you have to dive into your fear head first. Sometimes the water might be cold at first, but you'll get used to it. Tommorrow is a new day, a new day full of new surprises and opportunities. Tommorrow I will take a risk; I will test myself. Who knows, maybe we will all get what we want if we just let life take it's course, let fate step in. We will see wont we...

"because it's only when your tested that you discover who you are and its only when your tested that you discover who you can be, the person that you want to be does exist somewhere on the other side of hardwork and faith and belief that beyond the heartache and fear that life has"