This is my humorous and straight forward take on life. Enjoy!

Monday, April 26, 2010


In the words of Andy Warhol everyone will get their 15 minutes of fame at some point in their life. Where those 15 minutes start and end is up to you. I would say that I'm waiting for my 15 minutes to start. The only flashin lights im seeing are those in the on and off sign at the pizza place I work at. I know with all of my heart and wit that I will have no problem becoming famous. Ok well it might be kind of hard figuring I dont really have many usable skills like dancing or acting. I want to write a book...a funny book that people read when they are feeling sad or depressed and it makes them feel better. I also want a TV show. Like a late night comedy show, this shouldn't be too hard figuring I know nothing about television or have any connections whatsoever...except for the ones I have in the Cafeteria at my school. I'm preety much a celeb there. Anyone have any idea how I can start my quest for fame?

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