This is my humorous and straight forward take on life. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Traveling on the Dirt Roads

Today I've been thinking about what the hell im going to do with my life. My mother asks me constantly "What usable skills do you have, you can't just make a living off dreams and personality". To the contrary Mum! See me and my mother don't have the most platonic raltionship. She is by the book and I tend to wanna write the book. She likes structure and rules and well I like being me. She tells me all the time that if I want to make it in this world then I have to follow the rules, dress appropriatly and GOD FORBID get a tattoo. I just can't picture myself sitting behind a desk writing memos or worst come to worst READING memos. I quite frankly just want to me myself. Call me crazy...iv'e heard it many times before, but I think that this world is just so stuck in there ways. We all should dress a certain way in the work place and talk a certain way. Am I the only one that sees how NUTS this is! Yes for some people that works but for me, I need to run wild. Some would say that I'm young and I dont't understand the cruelty that this world has to offer. Others would say I was a genious because I'm seeing the world how it was intended to be seen. The world is your playground. Life is not supposed to be all about paved roads and street signs, the best roads are the dirt kind where you can just ride and get lost in what the world has to offer. I say stay off the busy highways and take a minute to drive down the dirt road. You never know what adventures might lie there, until youv'e tried it out for yourself.

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have gotten anywhere" Audrey Hepburn

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