This is my humorous and straight forward take on life. Enjoy!

Monday, April 12, 2010

When Misfortune Knocks At Your Door...

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I am writing this blog because I want to keep track of every new journey in life...good and bad. Iv'e got BIG plans for the world. I honestly dont know if they are ready for me, god knows im not even ready for me. My mind is constantly moving faster than my body, this may or may not have a hand in why I fall all the time. But when I do fall, as long as there are no major injuries, I tend to get back up. I guess falling has become a regular in my life. When your almost 6 feet tall and have the physical stability of a toddler, you get quite accustom to falling flat on your ass on a regular basis. I have learned a lot from this unfortunate hand I have been dealt. When you do fall literally or figuritively you have two choices 1. staying down and risking further injury or 2. Getting up and moving on. Me; I have fallen literally and physically A LOT. Sometimes I decided to stay on the ground...and feel sorry for myself. Now I know staying down is not gonna get me any further in life. I have to get up, move on, sometimes get a first aid kit (usually only if there is blood involved) and seize the day. I was not put on this earth to wallow in the unfortunate parts of life...though sometimes it seems misfortune is always knocking at my door. The old me would answer that door and most likely offer misfortune a the new me and going to ask misfortune to leave because I can drink by myself....KIDDING I will politly ask misfortune to leave and maybe have a glass of champagne. (or two) Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

"Maybe the past is an anchor holding us back, maybe, you have to let go of who you are, to become who you will be" -Sex and the City

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